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Pokemon happiness.

Pokemon happiness
Pokemon happiness
Pokemon happiness Quota: 50-99

When you catch ,Pokemon happiness trap or get a new Pokemon through a trade, which begins with this feeling quite neutral towards you value the happiness of just 70 . Unfortunately ,Pokemon crystal happiness Pokémon that evolve through trade lose their happiness for you and end with this happiness in negotiations to regain share .

" It's very nice . "

Pokemon happiness Quota: 100-149

This rating does not bother me because most of my order Pokemon within this range , which means that I have still a long way to go to gain Pokemon happiness. Anyway,Pokemon crystal happiness you will be given back to you if you have a Pokemon with happiness , at least as high .

" It is nice to you . Seems kind of fun . "

Pokemon happiness Quota: 150-199

You can get there, and the appropriate Pokemon have only a little happiness to the left to reach before they can evolve. Keep up the good work.

" I have the impression that the owner " .

Pokemon happiness Quota: 200-249

You've come a long way to become friends with your Pokémon . Back is very effective now, and when the share of happiness is 220 or more Pokemon happiness , seven Pokémon that evolve through happiness is when you get to a higher level.

Increasing Pokemon crystal happiness :

* Walk with 256 Pokémon on your active team . ( 1 Quota happiness for all values ​​of happiness )

*Pokemon happiness guide is to Take the sister of Pokemon Blue ( Daisy) in Pallet Town for the toilet 15:00 to 16:00 every day. ( 3 To 0-199 values, one for values ​​from 200 to 254)

* Give the Pokemon Vitamins  Pokemon crystal happiness[ HP Up Carb , iron, protein , calcium , PP Up] ( May 0-99 , 3 100-199 , 200-249 2 )

* Using a large battle [ gym leaders , elite , red ] ( 3 0-199 , 200-249 2 )

* Level Up Pokemon Pokemon crystal happiness ( May 0-99 , 3 100-199 , 200-249 2 per level )

* Pokemon happiness Discount Brothers works a little differently . They can be found in the underpass of the Golden City every day of the week , and Monday . The younger brother will be there Tuesday Pokemon crystal happiness, Thursday and Saturday and costs $ 300, while the older brother can be found on Sundays , Wednesdays and Fridays for $ 500. It will give your Pokemon a haircut that randomly affect happiness :

" [ Pokemon Name ]- seems a little happier. "
For both older and younger siblings , just to get a Pokémon for all values ​​of happiness.

" [ Pokemon Name,Pokemon happiness ]  looks happy ! "
For both younger and older brothers , you get a good Pokemon for 3, with values ​​of 0-199 happiness , and one for those with 200-249 .

" [ Pokemon Name ] seems happy ! "
For the younger brother , you get 10 more bonus Pokemon happiness values ​​0-199 and 4 in accordance with the values ​​of 200-249 . Pokemon happinessPokemon crystal happiness But the older brother , you get an increase of 5 to Pokemon happiness values ​​0-100 and a simple two for those values ​​of 200-249 from  Pokemon happiness guide.

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