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pokemon happiness,pokemon love poem

 Once upon a time, there were four friends, known to the global community of papercrafters as:

Pixel-Kakashi, PMF, Paperbuff and Skelekitty. pokemon happiness One day, after many fun chats on a well known instant messenger application, they were inspired to create a blog together, for the sake of their mutual passion - Papercraft Pokémon.

After they managed to convinced some friends: POdragon, Brandon and Lyrin to join them in their blogging quest, they soon became the proud creators pokemon happiness and authors of the newest papercraft website on the block called Paperpokés.

The intention of this blog is not for fame or fortune, but solely for the pure enjoyment of making Pokémon papercraft models pokemon happiness .

 This is a tribute to the wonders and joy that live in the world of Pokémon. And if there was ever a wish for, or a desire to be the owner of a Pokémon, then this is the place to come.

With a little help from a ruler, a stylus, a pair of scissors, a craft-blade, and some glue a complete Trainer/Master collection of pokemon happiness can be created in a matter of days.

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