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Pokemon happiness guide fro getting the best pokemon crystal happiness

Pokemon happiness
Pokemon happiness
Pokemon happiness place on your computer instead of keeping it on the PC.Pokemon crystal happiness as The Chansey already active in your team is happy.

Chansey Give lots of vitamins,Pokemon happiness which can be purchased through Pokemarts game , as the city Slateport . Vitamins are calcium, iron , carbohydrates , proteins and zinc .

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Go to home massage in Veilstone City , located just below the gym . Talk to the lady inside and offer to massage one of your Pokemon crystal happiness .

 Select Chansey Pokemon that you would like your massage. Note that you can only do this Pokemon crystal  once per day .

See how happy your Chansey speaks Verdanturf City woman who lives in the building next to the house of Wanda . If she says " I love you Pokemon happiness.

 It is not possible that I love you more . Even I am happy to see it, " Chansey peaked happiness and Blissey become the next time you level up .

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