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Pokemon happiness.what you know about it?

Pokemon Happiness
Pokemon Happiness

Pokemon happiness

Pokemon happiness

Is it even fair to expect perfection from a heavy to wear often , both burden and so that even many so -called society of superheroes can even add "Pokemon happiness" of the word to his resume ?

 A Pokemon crystal happiness task that could drive a man to commit a crime ( to Denzel Washington in John Q) or to risk his life ( as Dwayne Johnson in Snitch ) Pokemon happiness ?

Someone as powerful as Superman, so smart  and rich as Batman, and as charismatic as Iron Man, can not themselves "daddy" call Pokemon crystal happiness?

I remember when I was young.Pokemon happiness was raised by my grandparents , and just spend time with my father and my mother every weekend during the first eight years of my life ( for reasons I still find reasonable today. ) 

And calm frankly  Pokemon happiness, even though I know they tried to do every weekend spent with their funny, memorable , or at least bearable , which are not always the best moments. In fact , many of these early years were memorable - but for the wrong reasons of Pokemon crystal happiness.

Frankly, my father Pokemon happiness and I just, I have time. He tried to get my childhood with beautiful toys like Lego games ( I can not build ) and RC cars Pokemon happiness quide ( which had no interest ) encourage you to try basketball and sports in general Pokemon crystal happiness , and prefer reading books about dinosaurs.

He laughed at my drawings and encouraged my love of drawing Pokemon happiness. He scolded me when I'd rather be reading comics on newspaper articles. 
And Pokemon crystal happiness do not even want to go into detail about our relationship with mathematics, and the multiplication table .

I remember the time when I used to pray every night , hoping that one day I will be a father - someone "perfect" they always have my back Pokemon happiness, telling me that loves me every day, going to play with me (or at least try ) Pokemon crystal happiness, you can appreciate my God given talent once in the drawing, which shows anime and play with me, and so on and so forth .

 My Pokemon crystal happiness of ​​the perfect father came from characters I've seen on television , from the anime , serials, Hollywood,Pokemon happiness from what I 've seen with my friends. And believe me, when you are a child of 8 years Pokemon happiness quide that you want to believe in the possibility of the existence of something that can make you happier , even if you knew , even then, it would be impossible Pokemon crystal happiness. But I expected .

When Pokemon happiness was a teenager, the little relationship with me and my father had worsened , it is normal that 98% of the adolescent population , other than golf that had seemingly perfect parents.

 You know,Pokemon happiness kind of man who can get your teen 's latest phone , expecting not home teenage 6 so that you can cook rice for dinner and homework, the kind of father he had the money to buy their children whatever their heart desires .

 At that time, Pokemon happiness was a horrible person , thinking only of their pride, what I wanted for us, not what we wanted for ourselves . After Pokemon happiness quide, the eight years I remade area , hoping and praying that one day it would be ideal father arrived and I can finally be happy.

This Pokemon happiness fantasy of a perfect father died , of course, when I became a parent myself .

At first I thought, " Pokemon happiness , Pokemon crystal happiness. Highlighted that " .

You see, at the time I thought raising a child was as easy as picking up a Pokemon - You hatched egg, beaten , I gave enough EXP 's , vitamins and training PokeBlocks EV ( do not ask) and evolution, if this Pokemon perfect Pokemon happiness.

After 5 years of Pokemon crystal happiness, I can honestly say that I wish it were that simple  Pokemon happiness. And I thought Pokemon entraînais me hard!

Suddenly , life changes , and things will take you by surprise  Bills increase. You need to take time off work to take the baby to the hospital. You said you were going to school and make something of himself , but Pokemon crystal happiness then that you have to work for a living . You can suddenly go out for a drink with friends already have their Pokemon happiness .

 You lose little Pokemon happiness time to himself because everything will take care of the baby. Want a new gaming system ? What about new games ? Or a new cell phone ? Too bad you have to buy diapers and formula milk instead.

 Foot Locker,Pokemon happiness , ,Pokemon crystal happiness,Guess, and EB Games are replaced by Babies R Us, The Children's Place , and Once Upon A Child . You want to beat this beautiful girl? It's a shame , is married ! As the song says : "But I must go home for children and women ... "

Suddenly ,Pokemon happiness life becomes more difficult, and our idea of ​​what it was happiness is scarce. Our natural paternal instincts come into play, depending on how they were raised ourselves, our coping mechanisms are beginning to emerge .

There are several ways Pokemon happiness facing fatherhood and its many challenges , so that the good and the bad. Pokemon happiness quide realized that this is how we face the challenges of parenting as parents we are and we shape than men. Some Pokemon crystal happiness more easily than others , while others (sales) choose to get away from everything .

As a parent ,Pokemon happiness now that when I walked into the life of my father, he was not ready . I know and I understand now that I 've had a lot of sacrifice and a lot to give up. As a parent , I finally understand why I wanted us to get an education - so you never have to suffer the indignity of life without him. 
Pokemon Happiness
Pokemon happiness

I understand why he did everything he could to come to Canada and give us a chance to fight for the future of Pokemon happiness, not only for us but for our family. Or why he worked night work for years when he was a homecoming highly qualified engineer because I knew at the time it was the only way to give us our basic needs for Pokemon crystal happiness. 

Why choose to study after factory closed , submerging deeper into debt and financial difficulties at the time - so that now, finally , may be the winner, success, he always wanted to be , not for him, but for us , their children and every generation to come after him.

Despite our lack of union when I was younger, I realize now that I have tried everything possible - as far as I knew and I knew Pokemon crystal happiness, as then father had his Pokemon happiness.

Pokemon happiness.

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