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Pokemon happiness,all about it.

Pokemon happiness
Pokemon happiness

Pokemon happiness

Pokemon happiness

Pokemon happiness

   1) Pokemon happiness travel to Eterna City and talk to the brown-haired girl in the Pokemon Center. She will add an application to your Poketch that will allow you to gauge the happiness of each of your Pokemon happiness.

On the application, two large hearts next to a Pokemon means that the creature is nearing the maximum happiness value of Pokemon crystal happiness .

   2)  Pokemon happiness   Put the Pokemon you want to raise in your party. Walking 256 steps with that Pokemon in your group will raise its happiness value by one point.

Try riding your bike around to increase your number of Pokemon crystal happiness steps taken in a given time Pokemon happiness .

      3)  Pokemon happiness  Visit the department store in Veilstone City and buy vitamins.

 The vitamin items (Calcium, Protein, Carbos, Zinc, Iron and HP Up) are expensive, but giving them to a Pokemon will raise its happiness value as well as other stats.

 Pokemon happiness 
Go to the Pokemon Mansion and talk to a maid. She will give you a Soothe Bell for your Pokemon to hold.

This item will cause the happiness value to rise faster than normal Pokemon crystal happiness .

      5)  Frequently use a Pokemon in battle, especially against Gym Leaders and the Elite Four.

 When a Pokemon reaches a new level, its happiness value increases along with the rest of its abilities.


If you capture a Pokemon with a Friend Ball, its Pokemon crystal happiness value will start at 200.

A Luxury Ball is another option; it can be bought in Sunyshore and will make the value rise faster.

After raising a Pokemon's happiness value, you may want to consider teaching it TM 27, Return.

 The happier the user, the more damage the attack will inflict.
If a Pokemon faints in battle, its Pokemon crystal happiness  with decrease.

Giving your Pokemon certain items, like Energy Powder, Heal Powder, Energy Root and Revival Herb will also lower the value.

Also be aware that each time you trade a Pokemon, the happiness value will reset it more.

Pokemon happiness

Key words links:
 -Pokemon happiness:   http://thehappiest1of.blogspot.com/2013/09/pokemon-happinessthe-truth-about-it.html

-Pokemon crystal happiness: http://thehappiest1of.blogspot.com/2013/09/pokemon-happinessthe-truth-about-it.html
-Make your Pokemon happy: http://thehappiest1of.blogspot.com/

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