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Pokemon happiness

Pokemon Happiness

What is a content human being? Do you consider yourself one? Well, you might consider that we are, after all, pretty frail creatures emotionally, with many needs to be met.

And we need each other as well Pokemon Happiness ; the hermit does exist, but he is very rare and, I suspect, not very happy.

But what if we thought of living a full, happy life as a duty rather than something we just wished would happen? Perhaps you are familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

 If one obtains all those, Pokemon Happiness then that person is called self-actualized: a content, happy person living to the full of her potential.

That might sound nice to most of us but how many of us even consider that to be possible? Very few I think. But what if meeting those needs- or something along those lines- were considered an imperative Pokemon Happiness ?

What if we consider happiness to be obligatory in life rather than complaining about our limitations and waiting for something great to happen that would make us happy?

I believe that whatever happens 'out there' doesn't matter nearly as much as what happens inside you Pokemon Happiness .

A happy person glows from the inside out. Happy people are patient, kind, and concerned about others. Just as unhappy people waste their time and therefore their lives attacking others, happy people just naturally want others to be happy as well.

Pokemon Happiness  It seems to be a natural law.

So the trick is not an external event that will make someone happy but rather a transformation in one's heart. When joy enters the heart, the world looks beautiful again; like someone who was blind but can now see.

Pokemon Happiness  I don't know what might trigger that transformation, but I do know that it's probably a pretty good idea to view happiness as a duty rather than something elusive.

This article was written by Dinah Jackson who enjoys writing about science, Pokemon Happiness travel and Pokemon.

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